Sergey Brin talks about Google Glass

Geek Stuff, News

For the past few weeks we have been hearing a lot about Google Glass. Whether it was good or bad, this new piece of technology amazed a lot of people by teasing the public with some short video that shows off how it would be like wearing the Google Glass.

Recently, Sergey Brin Googles co-founder and the mind behind creating the google glass, has taken the stage at TED 2013 conference earlier this month and started talking about why Google wants to create such an experience.

Here the video of Sergey Brin at the TED conference:

It looks very interesting, but for me I think I’m going to stick with my smart phone, not sure if I would wear this every day.

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Picture credit: Wirde

Behind the Google Glasses

All Posts, Gadgets

Google Glasses

Today, Google released a video showing the effects and experience of wearing the Google glasses. This is the first look at navigation interface that will be projected on glass.

This will be the perfect gadget for people who always have their hands busy and this device will be very easy to use. You simply have to say «Take a Picture» when you want to capture a moment or speak when you want it to send a message. I wont say more, and i’ll let the Google glasses speak for themselves.

Go take a look at Google glasses website

And let us know what you think of Google smart glasses in the comment section below.

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Picture credit: Google Glasses