Products we don’t need but kinda want.

All Posts, Gadgets, Geek Stuff

Hey guys! We all know Mondays are terrible… And we are all looking for something to start off our week on the good foot and to motivate us knowing that the weekend is only another four days away! Which is why on Leadergeeks, we give you the GEEKY MOTIVATION MONDAYS .

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Heads Up! arrives on iPhone

All Posts, Geek Stuff, News, There's an App for that

Heads Up is a fun new app that gathers all your smarty pants friends and family members to the table. Heads up was shown on the Ellen DeGeneres show the other day where Ellen and her guest star Alison Sweeney played the new game. It is based on the game “head bands”.

In this game, a contestant places the iPhone on his forehead showing the screen part to the opponent. The opponent must give clues to the other contestant trying to get him to guess as many words as possible. There are different categories making the game different every time you play!
As you play, the game is being filmed with the iPhone to be able to look after the game and have a couple laughs.


The app is now available on the app store. Take a look at Ellen and her guest playing the game Heads up.

It is a great way to get the family together including the young ones. With technology taking over, we must be able to transfer board games onto electronic devices. Let us know what you think and if you and your family have discovered any other games that have been transformed to fit our New lifestyle.

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Atom, a beautiful lock screen

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Hey guys! Here is a new jailbreak tweak from big boss repo on Cydia that customizes your lock screen by adding your favorite apps on it for a quick access.

This is a real useful app for a quick iMessage or for a fast call, but it needs some getting use to since you have to grab the bottom black circle and slide it over the app you want to launch.

Here is a quick video from iDB demonstrating this neat new tweak:

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

JamStik the tiny guitar that connects with your iPhone

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My whole family was blessed with musical talent, for me this component must have been forgotten since it is one this I just can’t seem to get the hang of! I am sure that i am not the only one out there that has the desire to play guitar but just can’t do it.

Well, luckily for you there is Jamstik. It is a smaller version of a guitar that is made for beginners and for the advanced musicians. For the beginners, it has lights to show you where to properly place your fingers and with the help of their app, it has an easy to follow guide to help you through the process. For the more advanced musicians, it is much easier to travel this smaller instrument and also, using sensors can record the songs you have played.

Sadly, this product is not yet on the market. The producers have placed their item on and needs your help. Go take a look to see if this can be something you are interested in.

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Fun yet not effective

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The weekend is just around the corner and I believe we can all say that cleaning the house, running errands, driving and picking up the kids is definitely NOT where the magic happens. It is in the bedroom. Well today, I will be giving you Leadergeek followers friendly advice. For some, picking up the ladies comes naturally and well for others, asking a girl over is an event on its own!

Here are a couple things to avoid when inviting a girl over…


A person’s bedroom says a lot about themselves. If you are not a master in the Lady’s department, as friendly guidance I would strongly encourage you to stay away from the bed sets above since no girl would like to “get it on” in a Burger Bed or even worse, see you cuddle with an imaginary girl printed on your bed sheet.

Hope this can help you guys out, if not at least put a smile on your faces! Tune in Monday for Motivation Geek Mondays

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter page or in the comment section below!

Durex Vibrating Underwear that you Controlled With your Smartphone (Video)

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Hi guys, many couples these days must live with having long distance relationships. It is not easy on a couple’s sex life when one is always on the road or lives a great distance away.

Durex come out with an amazing product – fundawear! Fundawear is available for both men and women. These provide pleasure to people literally at your finger tips. With the app on the iphone, you will be able to pleasure your partner with the vibrators that at situated inside the underwear.

It is not yet available, but from the looks of it this will be a very hot product. It is not only directed towards a clientele who have long distance relationships but also for those who need to spice up their love life.

Take a look at the video to see how unique this product is and how it works!

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter page!

Shut up and take my money its motivation Mondays


Hey guys! We all know Mondays are terrible… and we are all looking for something to start off our week on the good foot and to motivate us knowing that the weekend is only another four days away! Which is why on Leadergeeks, we give you the GEEKY MOTIVATION MONDAYS

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter or in the comment section below!

The Man of steel

All Posts, Geek Stuff, News

As a child, everyone has seen the Superman movie and have all wanted to be just like him. We have all wished and hoped at one point in our life to be a super hero and to save the world.

This new Superman movie still has a lot of the same ideas as the older Superman comic. If you have been reading for the past 75 years, you will all know who Lois is, Superman’s “lover”. Well in this movie, it is still the case.

As always, it is filled with intense scenes of actions, heart breaking scene of rejection and like every other Superman movie a bit of romance!

Take a look at the trailer! We all know we have been waiting for years for a new Superman and from the looks of it, it will be worth the long wait!

Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.